The Beginning

Everything has a beginning and I suppose this is it. My first blog post.


I'm not stranger to facebook blogging, so this shouldn't bother me - at all. But if I'm being honest this feels strange. It feels less connected than social media, perhaps it is, or perhaps this is a side effect of our highly 'logged on' lives that we all now live. 

Either way, this marks the beginning of a new journey, a journey I have put off and postponed for years. Why, you ask? Well, because I was scared. What if creating this website, writing this blog and sending out newsletters ends catastrophically bad? What if no one likes what I have to say? What if I fail?

Over the last many years I have come to understand something; there is no such thing as failure, simply learning alternate ways to succeed. 

Let the learning begin!


J.S. Davidson xxx



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