This website is currently under construction, orders will still be processed as normal. J.S. Davidson is the 'Mum' component of Outback Adventure Family and more Outback Adventure Family will be appearing here soon.

The Beginning

Everything has a beginning and I suppose this is it. My first blog post.


I'm not stranger to facebook blogging, so this shouldn't bother me - at all. But if I'm being honest this feels strange. It feels less connected than social media, perhaps it is, or perhaps this is a side effect of our highly 'logged on' lives that we all now live. 

Either way, this marks the beginning of a new journey, a journey I have put off and postponed for years. Why, you ask? Well, because I was scared. What if creating this website, writing this blog and sending out newsletters ends catastrophically bad? What if no one likes what I have to say? What if I fail?

Over the last many years I have come to understand something; there is no such thing as failure, simply learning alternate ways to succeed. 

Let the learning begin!


J.S. Davidson xxx



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