This website is currently under construction, orders will still be processed as normal. J.S. Davidson is the 'Mum' component of Outback Adventure Family and more Outback Adventure Family will be appearing here soon.

Book Tour 2022

2022 Book Tour Dates and Locations.

Portland Vic
March 24 2022
Glenelg Library at 6pm
Kerang Vic
April 7 2022
The Little Blue Book Shop at 7pm
Wentworth NSW
May 4th 2022
The Wentworth Library  at 10 am
Mildura Vic
May 5th 2022
Mildura Library at 7 pm
Robinvale Vic
May 9th 2022
Robinvale Library 2:30 pm
Swan Hill Vic
May 11th 2022
Swan Hill Library 7 pm
 Ararat Vic
May 14th 2022
Ararat Library 10 am
Ballarat Vic